
The American Heroes team would like to invite you to share your photos of our events. Here is the process for getting your photos on to our website.

Shared photographs need to be uploaded to the Flickr photo-sharing web site. We use a special plug-in to display these shared images on our American Heroes web site.


To get started, establish an account at Flickr, if you do not have an account there already. If you already have a Flickr account, you can sign in.

Next, click on Upload. You can now select the photos that you would like to upload to your Flickr account.

Once you have selected the photos that you want to share, the next step allows you to create a new Album. Albums are like folders on your computer — they allow you to divide your photos into groups. We like Albums because it means that we can see your air show photos without also having to see your birthday party pics!

So, select the Add to albums option. Flickr will prompt you to create a new Album if you don’t have any yet. Give the Album a descriptive name (example: “American Heroes Air Show Seattle 2015”). Or, maybe you’ve already created an Album and you’d like to add these pictures to it. It’s all up to you.

Be sure to create different Albums for events.  An Album should only contain photos from a specific American Heroes Air Show event (location and year). Don’t mix photos from different events in the same Album! We will decline to add your Album to our site if it contains any photos that are not related to our event.

There is one final step. You have not officially uploaded the photos until you click on the Upload button in the right corner. The button also indicates how many photos you are uploading (example: “Upload 20 Photos”).

Once you have uploaded all of your photos to the Album, just send us the URL to the Flickr Album that you just created, and we’ll add the photos to our web site. To fetch the URL, go to the Flickr home page, select “You”, select “Albums”, and select the Album that you want to share with us. Copy the URL from your web browser, and email us the URL at

That’s it!  If you would like to see how your photos will appear, you can glance at some of our specific event pages and see how pictures from other photographers have been presented.

Thanks again for offering to be part of our online experience here at American Heroes Air Show!